Now I need to look at who my film will be aimed at so I can ask myself with every choice I make "Is this suitable for the audience I've chosen".
Target Audience: 15 - 25 year olds
So you can see the audience I've selected is 15 - 25 year olds. The audience chosen only has a range of 10 years so you could say it's quite a narrow audience choice. After doing research on media products that have similar situations and themes I made the choice to choose 15 - 25 year olds. I made the decision on the locations, situations and how the characters act in films that had similar ideas to what I want to incorporate into my film. I did my research on the Pearl & Dean website.
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Released: 2004
I decided to use the audience profile from Saw as it's a thriller and has elements of confusion within the characters which is what Kyle feels in the story. In the film also the characters wake up in an unknown area just the same as Kyle does in the story. 42% of people viewing the film are aged between 15 and 24 which fits perfectly with my target audience, the majority of people viewing the film fit my target audience. Saw has been rated an 18 due to its gore and strong language other than that themes and ideas from the film fit well with mine.
The Incredible Hulk
Genre: Action, Fantasy
Released: 2008
I decided to use the audience profile for The Incredible Hulk as the majority of viewers are 15 - 24 year olds so it fits well in my target audience. In the film Bruce Banner has an alter ego (hopefully you know of the Hulk) which in this film he tries to control it which in the rest of the film Kyle would attempt to do. The Incredible Hulk has been rated PG but the theme of the film fits well with mine which is why I'm using the audience profile.
This information that I've found is from a website called Pearl & Dean. Pearl & Dean collect information on films. The information usually contains the budget and earnings of the film, ages of views, types of viewers, date and description of the film. The type of data they also store information for you to find specific audiences like information on class, age and gender.
Pearl & Dean have a huge role in advertising. When you go onto their website you hear a jingle which you might recognize as it is played cinemas before the trailers for other are played. This is because they advertise films at the cinemas which is how they make money.
So after doing research on real media products I feel that the film I'll be producing will appeal towards the audience I have selected and because of this the rating for my film is.

I have done this according to the BBFC, British Board of Film Classification, as this is the proper guideline used to put ratings on to cinema releases or DVDs.
This means that no one under the age of 15 is allowed to view the film in the cinema or on a bought or rented film.
What you might find in a 15 rated film are: Strong violence, Frequent strong language (e.g. 'f***'), Portrayals of sexual activity, Strong verbal references to sex, Sexual nudity, Brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence, Discriminatory language or behavior, Drug taking
I have chose this as I might want to use strong language and another reason is because the target audience fits into the rating of the film too. It also shows some issues that younger audiences wouldn't understand. The younger audience would not understand my film as much and from the target audience research I have gathered, they wouldn't be all that interested either
Below is a target audience profile of a typical person who would come and see my film.
Target Audience (TAP)
Name: Russell Newport
Age: 17
Profile: Russell has recently started sixth form and is looking for a job to get themselves some money. He loves going to concerts with his friends which is why he is currently learning to drive because as in the past he wanted to go to see his favorite band but couldn't get there. He loves music and can play guitar and enjoys jamming with his friends. He loves all kinds of music.
At sixth form he studies psychology, English and media.
He studies media because he is fond of thrillers and wants to understand how to produce one. One of his favorite thrillers is the Saw series as it's a psychological thriller. He also loves se7en as one of his favorite actors Morgan Freeman stars in it.
He studies psychology as his mother suffers with severe depression and wants to try and understand how his mother feels as he wants to help her. With the film we are planning we hope that Russell with find help within the film due to the themes.