24 Nov 2015

"The Other Side" Film Pitch

This week me and my team had to pitch our ideas across to the studio about the film we wish to create. The goal was that the studio commissioned our idea and gave us the go ahead on planning and production. 

Below is a video of our pitch and as a team we are happy with what we put across and are now going to share it with you, enjoy!


So as you can see from watching the pitch that we had our film commissioned and we are most proud. 

The studio were happy with our ideas and liked what we have planned to do but there was a few key points which they told us to be careful of and here they are.

  • We could confuse the audience with our idea of having a different actor as our protagonists split personality. 
  • People may be confused by the plot of the film and might not understand whats happening.
To avoid this from happening we need to keep asking different people when filming/editing if they understand whats happening.

Other than the few things we need to think about when putting this production together as a whole we are happy with our ideas and the constructive feedback we received and are even more confident with our product.

The next post will be on recording sound on location.