4 Dec 2015

Treatment (Research & Product)

Before a studio can produce a film they need to first make a treatment which is a rough over view of everything that happens.
Below is the treatment for the whole of the film "The Terminator"
This is an all time favorite of mine as Arnold Schwarzenegger has always been a hero of mine every since I was child.
Feel free to read the whole treatment.

After reading some of the treatment I wanted to compare it to the actual film so below is the opening scene from The Terminator, enjoy and keep your eyes peeled for similarities and differences.

So comparing both the treatment and the actual film there are many differences.
The treatment mentions a cat and in the actual film there is no cat. There are very few lines of dialogue in the treatment but in the film there are considerably more and in the treatment there is no mention of a heart being ripped out.

This just shows that the treatment is just a rough sketch of what the film makers want to create and starts them with a base line to work from.

Below is a treatment me and my group put together. Because we are only making two minutes of our film our treatment will be very close and accurate to the actual film we make.

Below is a reading of the treatment if you don't want to read it.