Now that our shots have been filmed we now need to edit what we have to produce our media product. The software we have been using is Final Cut Pro. Getting to grips with Final Cut was difficult but we finally got our heads around it and was able to proficiently edit our shots using many of the tools we were provided with by Final Cut.
While we were editing we took screen shots to show our progression and how what we did progressed through the film.

First when editing we added our production team logo to show the viewer who produced the film. We then applied our first clip and added a day to night filter to give the clip a more darker feel. We then used our first transition which was a wipe and after that had our first title showing our actors names. We then took out all sound in our clips to get rid of the background sound as hearing this would ruin our product.

After we had finished putting all the clips where wanted them we then had to crop some clips short so the length of the product didn't go well over the 2 minute requirement. We decided to add our film name at the end of the 2 minute opening as it would leave our audience wondering while they watch. We then added a sound track that fitted the feel of the film we wanted to make and without the soundtrack the opening would seem nowhere near as good. We added sound effects for the phone ringing in our film and sound effects for the footsteps of our actor walking.
I feel my contribution to editing was to find out what certain tools do within final cut and apply them to our product. I also assisted the other members of my group in editing as I have a greater knowledge than them and I watched over them and gave my opinion with the choices they made.
The next post will be on the construction of the products idents.