Now we have finished our storyboard we still cannot yet start filming our media project. We need to produce an animatic. An animatic is a rough version of our film using only images from our storyboard with sound effects, dialogue and the camera movements we wish to use. Before we produce our own storyboard we must first do some research on existing animatics.
Below is an animatic fro the film Shaun of the Dead.
The animatic contains a draing for each movement/shot of the camera, it contains dialouge and audio effects just like the real film would
Now I will post the real media product to go with it to see how accurate the animatic is compared to actual film.
Now comparing the animatic to the finished product I see one error between planning and completed product. The animatic doesn't take into account the zooms and pedestal shots that were put into the final film. Other than that the animatic is almost perfect at reflecting what the producers wanted to create. When we create our animatic we must make sure that every camera movement we wish to use is in the final film.
The next blog post will be our animatic, enjoy!