11 Mar 2016

Evaluation Question 1

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In our media product we follow the conventions of a real thriller opening. Just like a real media product we have a studio and production company ident.
In an opening of a real media product hey would have titles showing who collaborated in producing the film. An establishing shot would be used in the opening of a film to give the audience an idea of the setting. We have used a different type of shot to resemble our establishing shot. 

We use an establishing which then tilts down into a first person came which then moves towards the location of where the product is set. Then once in the building we then use pans to give the viewer an idea of where the product is set.

 A lot of thrillers are also set in an isolated are to start building suspense and so we decided to go for a garage as it fits with the conventions of a media product.

In real thriller products they are usually set at night so we used low key lighting and in post-production we added a day to night filter to give it all a darker feel. We used a lot of ideas from Fight Club and here is an example of low key lighting from Fight Club.

In the soundtrack of our product we use stingers to build tension and suspense which is a key feature in thrillers.
Here is our soundtrack with in our film.

Example of Soundtrack The Other Side from Gavin Hood on Vimeo.

In our media product we have challenged some conventions by having the protagonist as the antagonist. When thinking initial ideas we thought of fight club. In fight club the producers have over 90 minutes to confuse the audience with the idea that the protagonist is the same person as the antagonist but we only had two minutes so we had to think of many ideas just in case one of them didn't work.

In a lot of thrillers the protagonist will usually have a backstory to show where they came from and it would show where they are in life and and events that will lead up to the events of the film. In our film we went straight in with no back story to have the audience even more confused and want to find out more about our protagonist. 

In our film we have developed the idea that our protagonist is also the antagonist. We started by using a different actor to be the antagonist and we used that in our rough cut and the group thought it worked well but we came to think that our audience would become confused by the idea of it so we decided to use one actor and it worked as well if not better as at the end of the opening our protagonist faces off with the antagonist, himself

The next post will be Evaluation Question 2