1 Mar 2016

Feedback, Evaluation of Feedback & Making Improvements

So recently we were able to show our rough cut to the rest of the class and we were given feedback on what went well and what we could improve on. Below is a video of what the rest of the class thought.


Here is a list of some of the improvements that were raised:
  1. We need real idents
  2. We need an establishing shot
  3. Our pans need to all be the same speed
  4. We need to use better footstep sound effects
  5. Our protagonist needs to be prompt with answering the phone
In one of my previous posts you would have seen my idents and so here they are, actual idents. Not that low quality image that was in our rough cut.

We also needed an establishing shot as we have been studying them. So we decided to go from an establishing shot into a first person shot which we believe works well in this instance.

We needed to make sure all of our pans were the same speed so each member of the group filmed 3 pans so we had a high chance that all of them were the same speed and we are happy with the outcome

We had to make sure our protagonist was more prominent in answering the phone so we had him walk straight up to the phone and answer it. We didn't have him walk behind the phone which caused us to change a few things to the ending of the opening.

We had to change the ending of the film when we changed how he answed the phone as it caused problems with the mirror. We couldn't see the reflection and when we could the mirror picked up the camera or the camera operator.

We took all the feedback well and listened to it well and changed everything that we were asked to, to the best of our ability. As a group we are happy with the changes and are happy with the outcome.

The next post will be the final cut of our film The Other Side.