When looking into movies you would possibly class them as either comedy, horror, thriller, action or sci fi when actually there are 22 different genres all with ranging narratives. Below is a list of all narratives and the descriptions of the genres themselves.

The main character has to make a moral choice between right and wrong
Film - The Godfather
Rags to Riches
The main character is poor, and then turns rich
Film - The Pursuit of Happyness
The Riddle
Main character has to solve a puzzle or crime
Film - Inception
The main character changes into something else. e.g. mythical creature
Film - The Hulk
The main character must save someone who is trapped physically or emotionally
Film - 2012
The main character is brought down by a fatal flaw in their character or by forces out of their control
Film - Titanic
A couple meet and overcome obstacles to discover true love or don't
Film - The Fault in Our Stars
Monster Forces
A monster/alien/something scary and supernatural must be fought and overcome
Film - King Kong
The main character retaliates against another for a real or imagined injury
Film - The Hunger Games
Character lives through a series of events that change them as a person
Film - Pretty Woman
Fish Out of Water
Protagonist tries to cope in a completely different place/time/world
Film - Hercules in New York
The main character has an experience that matures them or starts a new stage of life, often adulthood
Film - Juno
The main character has to chase somebody or something, usually in a hide-and-seek fashion
Film - Catch Me If You Can
The main character must overcome obstacles such as defeating the villain to attain an object or goal
Film - Rocky
The main character who is nothing in the world faces overwhelming odds but wins in the end
Film - Forrest Gump
Through a major plot twist, the main character discovers a truth about themselves and a better understanding of life
Film - Last Action Hero
The main character is trapped by villainous forces and must escape as fast as possible
Film - Escape Plan
Journey and Return
The main character goes on a physical journey and returns changed
Film - The Mummy
A series of complications leads characters into ridiculous situations
Film - Step Brothers
The main character searches for a person, place or thing, overcoming a number of challenges
Film - National Treasure
The main character must make a difficult choice between pleasing themselves or a higher purpose (love, honor, pride)
Film - Wreck It Ralph
Wretched Express
The main character pushes the limits of acceptable behavior, destroying themselves in the process
Film - Straight Outta Compton
The next post will be the AS Film Brief