7 Oct 2015

Advanced Camera Work: Dolly (Tracking & Arc Shot)

So clearly when using a camera there isn't just basic camera movements as if big box office films were recorded using basic camera movements lets just say they'd probably flop. 

One of the pieces of equipment used to help partake in the movements is called a "dolly". Basically you attach the camera onto a tripod and then attach the tripod onto the dolly which is a platform with wheels so the camera can follow characters and move around smoothly and freely. 
With an arc shot the camera is moved on the dolly around the point of interest in a horseshoe/arc shape hence the name arc shot, see its not rocket science.

Now the tracking shot also is not rocket science, the tripod is attach to a different shaped dolly which runs smoothly on a track so that the dolly doesn't freely move and stays going in a particular direction. This can be used to follow a character walking or even running.

The videos below are of both tracking and arc shot that we put together and what have been used in feature length box office films

Our Arc Shot


Our Tracking Shot


Professional Arc Shot

Professional Tracking Shot

The tracking shot in this crazy trailer is a lot more advance than ours but at the end of the day I'm not producing a multi-million dollar film


The next post will be on some research about how films open so stay tuned!