24 Oct 2015

Narrative Theories

We've been looking at different theories that people have put together to explain basic plots within films. Below I'm going to show Todorov's theory explained in an Emaze, enjoy!

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A film that clearly illustrates Todorov's theory is Jumanji. The protagonist has arguments with his father (equilibrium it's normal) then he begins to play a game and everything starts going crazy (disruption). The protagonist realizes its the games fault (recognition). They then plan to finish and do finish the game (repair). Then everything goes back to normal but the protagonist makes up with his father (new-equilibrium).

The next theory I'll be going into is Propp's character theory. This theory isn't about props but a man with the second name of Propp did put this together.

This link will take you to a prezi I created about Propp's character theory.

This theory would work well with Shrek as I've listed characters and where they would fit within Propp's theory.

Below is a prezi about Steve Neale's theory of repetition and difference so again please enjoy! 


The next post will be about the 22 narrative theory