A studio ident is the method by which studios present themselves using conceptual visuals and sound to show they had an input on the film. Idents let the audience know who had an input on the film and the style of ident would suggest what type of film the movie is.
Universal Studios
The ident starts with the earth all dark and there's a light moving across the earth. In a matter of seconds you see that with in the light are the words "Universal Studios". Showing that Universal Studios is the light the world needs, the good in the world, a bright goal to achieve. Also the video could have other meanings for example the earth in the indent could perhaps mean that Universal Studios are world wide or even with their name they are universal, there are huge, the biggest thing in existence.
The indent for MGM is pretty basic but does contain a lion perhaps suggesting that it's the best "king of the jungle" (Despite that lions don't live in the jungle)
20th Century Fox
A fanfare begins to play which would either happen at an event where a royal would be or to a parade which both suggests that the fanfare is played during an important event suggesting that 20th Century Fox is important and "a BIG thing". Also the giant sign saying "20th Century Fox" is being looked at from a low angle showing that 20th Century Fox are in power and above all. Again also, there are some signal lights perhaps trying to signal to people that there's something everyone should come and look at.
The next post will be on Film Classification