Editing is essential to a visual video media product without good editing it can destroy the best story line and make the whole film look like trash.
Here are some videos explaining some basic editing techniques which we have to use in the near future.
Here are some videos explaining some basic editing techniques which we have to use in the near future.
Split Edit
A transition from one scene to another where the audio doesn't match the current video, but follows its own. This means that we can usually hear what's going on before the shot is shown.
A transition from one scene to another where the audio doesn't match the current video, but follows its own. This means that we can usually hear what's going on before the shot is shown.
Straight Cut
A straight cut is when one piece of footage simply cuts directly into another.
A straight cut is when one piece of footage simply cuts directly into another.
Match On Action
A match on action is when for example a character walks through a door in one shot the camera moves and they continue moving through the door fluidly without any jumps or the character going through the door twice. It's when a character moves in two different shots but it looks smooth and fluid.
This example below of a match on action is also an example of a straight cut.
A match on action is when for example a character walks through a door in one shot the camera moves and they continue moving through the door fluidly without any jumps or the character going through the door twice. It's when a character moves in two different shots but it looks smooth and fluid.
This example below of a match on action is also an example of a straight cut.
The next post will contain my first piece of practical coursework: My Preliminary Task